Use This Method To Rank Your Website On First Page Google 2023
Do you want to be on Google's first page? Today is your happy day because I will teach you how step by step.
85% of users never go to the second page of a Google search, so you must rank on page 1.You can't afford to be ranked on the second page.
A strong SEO presence has the potential to create inbound traffic that will help your business flourish for years to come.
However, you should not give up! There are a few tried-and-true tactics that have helped me rank on the first page of Google.
One of the fastest methods to increase your Google rankings is through on-page SEO. You'll see an increase in ranks within a few days.
Improve on-page SEO
Do keyword research. Take your time and find the latest and most searchable LSI keywords to rank in google.
Keyword research
Keep an eye on technical SEO because this issue hurts your site the most. Check mobile usability and the CRW score.
Monitor technical SEO
Content is king so write content plagiarism free. Google considers how visitors engage with your website.
Write content plagiarism free
Google doesn't like it when consumers visit a website and then immediately return to the search results.
Reduce Bounce rate
Today google don't allow copy content or duplicate content. So write only high quality content for ranking.
Add only high quality content
Backlinks act as a vote of confidence from a website and inform Google that your website is a reliable resource.
Build high quality backlinks
You have to write eye catchy titles and description so there are 80% chances increase CTR on your website.
Write eye catchy title meta descriptions
Before start selling or writing SEOs should first do audience research so you can give perfect content or product.
Research about targeted audience
If you want to rank on Google, then you have to increase crawling on your website. For increase crawling, you have to increase internal linking.
Increase Internal linking
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