7 Free AI chatbot Platforms that are better Than ChatGPT

Here are 7 free AI chatbot platforms that are better than ChatGPT:

Google BARD

BARD is a new AI chatbot from Google that is still under development, but it has already been shown to be more accurate and versatile than ChatGPT. BARD can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

Microsoft Bing Chat

Bing Chat is another free AI chatbot platform that is based on a fusion of OpenAI and Microsoft technologies. It is similar to ChatGPT in terms of its capabilities, but it is generally considered to be more accurate and reliable.


Chatsonic is a free AI chatbot platform that is based on the GPT model. It is similar to ChatGPT in terms of its capabilities, but it has a number of advantages, such as a larger vocabulary and a better understanding of natural language.

Github Copilot

Github Copilot is a free AI assistant that can help you to write code more quickly and efficiently. It can generate code snippets, complete unfinished code, and suggest improvements to your code.


Wix ADI is a free AI-powered website builder that can help you to create a website without any coding knowledge. It can generate a website design based on your preferences and then fill in the content for you.


Jasper.ai is a free AI writing assistant that can help you to generate different types of content, such as blog posts, articles, emails, and social media posts. It can also help you to improve your writing style and grammar.


WriterZen is a free AI writing assistant that can help you to research and write content. It can generate topic ideas, outline your content, and even write the content for you.

Remember to refer to the app's documentation or help section for any specific instructions or additional features offered by Google BARD. Enjoy using Google BARD on your phone to enhance your search, translation, and image recognition capabilities!

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