
AWS S3: Private Bucket vs Public Bucket

This article discusses AWS S3 – private and public bucket.It is important to know when and when not your resources should be public. Sensitive user data/information should only be accessible via some authentication method, and the information that is intended for every user/world, should be marked as public. This article helps you setup both of the environment

How to: Dockerize NGINX-PHP application

Pre-requisite : 1. Docker must be installed. 2. Docker-compose must be installed.  Steps: Pull “nginx” and “php-fpm” docker images docker pull nginx:latestdocker pull php:7.1-fpm (Nginx latest image is recommended and for PHP choose the specific version that your code supports) Firstly, we will launch temporary docker for nginx We are copying nginx configuration files into our system (afterwards … Read more How to: Dockerize NGINX-PHP application

What is: Cloud Computing – Part 2

What is cloud computing?–> You have already came from the first post which specifies what is cloud : Let me clear some more doubts and answer some FAQ with Cloud Computing Top 5 cloud computing service provider companies AWS (Amazon Web Services) Microsoft Azure GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Rackspace IBM All of the above … Read more What is: Cloud Computing – Part 2

How to: Configure SSL for your Apache Web-APP

Download and Collect Certificate and Key file from your SSL provider  Certificate files can be found in the following format .pem or .crt extension Main certificate files, intermediate certificate files and CA root certificate files (collect all of them) Key files can be found in the following format .pem or .key extension There are 2 … Read more How to: Configure SSL for your Apache Web-APP

What is: NGINX – A Web Server and A Proxy

You must be wondering that you have heard of Nginx as a web server (ie. Apache) but A Proxy, what’s that ??  So, firstly who created NGINX Web Server?–> Same developers who contributed to build Apache web server have built NGINX Why NGINX ? –> It was designed to overcome flows of Apache web server–> It … Read more What is: NGINX – A Web Server and A Proxy

What is: Web server – Apache vs Nginx

If you are new to IT world, you must wonder the term “web server”, what it means, how it works and how can it help you understand the Server Term.  Let me try to justify on some of your doubts What is web server : Apache vs NGINX A web server is server software, or … Read more What is: Web server – Apache vs Nginx

What is: Cloud Computing – Part 1

How is it to maintain 100% uptime of computer/hardware on-premise, taking care of it, maintaining it with electricity as well network bandwidth, looks like a cumbersome task, isn’t it?  Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database, storage, applications, and other IT resources via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Whether you are using … Read more What is: Cloud Computing – Part 1