10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for software developers to try

Code Generation

"Write Python code for a function that takes a list of numbers and returns the average." (Specify language and desired functionality)

Code Improvement

"I have this Java code that seems inefficient. Can you help me rewrite it for better performance?" (Provide the code snippet)

Bug Squashing

"I'm getting a 'null pointer exception' error in my C++ code. Can you help me identify the potential cause?" (Describe the error and relevant code section)

Test Case Inspiration

"I'm developing a web application login feature. Can you suggest some test cases to ensure proper functionality?" (Specify the functionality being tested)

API Integration Help

"I'm integrating with a new weather API. Can you help me write the code to fetch and parse the weather data in Javascript?" (Specify the API and desired data)

Problem-Solving Partner

"I'm stuck on this algorithm design problem. Can you suggest different approaches or potential optimizations?" (Describe the problem and constraints)

Pseudocode to Code Conversion

"I have a pseudocode algorithm for sorting a list of elements. Can you translate it into working Python code?" (Provide the pseudocode)

Alternative Implementations

"I have this function written in Javascript. Can you show me an alternative implementation using a different approach?" (Provide the code and desired outcome)

Technical Interview Prep

"I have a coding interview coming up. Can you help me brainstorm common coding challenges and practice solutions?" (Specify programming language and interview focus)

Documentation Assistant

"I've written some complex code. Can you help me generate clear and concise comments to explain the logic?" (Provide the code snippet)

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