10 Most Influential Personalities in Artificial Intelligence

– A pioneering figure in deep learning and neural networks. – Known for his work on the backpropagation algorithm and contributions to convolutional neural networks (CNNs). – Awarded the Turing Award in 2018.

Geoffrey Hinton

– A leading AI researcher and co-founder of the deep learning framework, Theano. – Known for his work on deep learning, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. – Also awarded the Turing Award in 2018.

Yoshua Bengio

– Co-founder of Google Brain and founder of deeplearning.ai. – Renowned for his online courses on machine learning and deep learning. – Formerly worked on AI projects at Stanford and Google.

Andrew Ng

– Professor at Stanford University and co-director of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI. – Known for her research in computer vision and for co-founding AI4ALL, a nonprofit promoting diversity in AI.

Fei-Fei Li

– A prominent AI researcher and Facebook's Chief AI Scientist. – Known for his work on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and contributions to deep learning. – Awarded the Turing Award in 2018.

Yann LeCun

– Co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. (Google). – Renowned for DeepMind's achievements in AI, including AlphaGo, which defeated world champion Go players.

Demis Hassabis

– Cognitive scientist, author, and AI researcher. – Known for his work on AI safety and ethics and as a critic of some deep learning approaches.

Gary Marcus

– Co-founder and Chief Scientist at OpenAI. – Known for his research in deep learning and contributions to the development of OpenAI's GPT models.

Ilya Sutskever

– Creator of the Keras deep learning framework, now integrated into TensorFlow. – Contributed to the popularization of deep learning among developers.

François Chollet

– While not primarily an AI researcher, Musk has been influential in raising awareness about AI ethics and safety. – Co-founded OpenAI to promote ethical AI development.

Elon Musk (for AI Ethics Advocacy)

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