10 New DevOps Tools to Watch in 2023


Pulumi is a modern DevOps tool that allows developers and operators to manage infrastructure using familiar programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript. With Pulumi, teams can deploy and manage cloud resources across multiple clouds and platforms, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, using a single unified platform. Pulumi allows for infrastructure-as-code and offers robust security features, including role-based access control, auditing, and encryption. Pulumi also offers an intuitive command-line interface and integrates well with popular DevOps tools like Git and Jenkins.


SOPS (Secrets OPerationS) is a DevOps tool that helps teams manage sensitive data securely across different platforms and environments. SOPS provides a simple way to encrypt and decrypt secrets such as passwords, API keys, and other sensitive information, which can be stored in version control systems like Git. SOPS supports different encryption standards such as PGP and AES, and integrates well with other DevOps tools like Kubernetes, Terraform, and AWS. SOPS allows for easy key rotation, versioning, and management of secrets, with fine-grained access control and auditing capabilities.


Trivy is a DevOps tool that helps teams identify and remediate vulnerabilities in container images. Trivy is an open-source, lightweight vulnerability scanner that can be integrated easily into existing DevOps workflows. It scans container images for vulnerabilities in the operating system packages, application dependencies, and libraries, using a database of known vulnerabilities that is regularly updated. Trivy supports different container image formats such as Docker and Kubernetes, and integrates with popular DevOps tools like Jenkins, GitLab, and AWS CodeBuild.

Cluster API

Cluster API is a DevOps tool that allows teams to create, manage, and scale Kubernetes clusters declaratively using standard Kubernetes APIs. Cluster API is an open-source, cloud-agnostic tool that abstracts away the complexity of cluster management, making it easier for developers and operators to create and manage Kubernetes clusters at scale. Cluster API offers a declarative configuration model that allows teams to specify the desired state of the cluster and automatically manages the underlying resources required to achieve that state. It supports different cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and integrates well with other Kubernetes tools like kubectl, Helm, and Kustomize.


Linkerd is a DevOps tool that provides a service mesh for cloud-native applications. Linkerd is an open-source, lightweight, and easy-to-use tool that helps teams manage the communication between microservices in their applications, providing features such as traffic management, service discovery, security, and observability. Linkerd supports different container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes, Nomad, and DC/OS, and integrates well with other DevOps tools like Prometheus and Grafana. Linkerd provides a robust set of features, including zero-trust security, automatic retries, circuit-breaking, and distributed tracing, making it an ideal tool for teams that need to manage complex microservice architectures. 

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a DevOps tool that allows teams to automate their software workflows using pre-built or custom-built actions. GitHub Actions is tightly integrated with the popular code repository platform GitHub, enabling developers to trigger actions automatically in response to events such as code pushes, pull requests, and issue updates. GitHub Actions supports a wide range of actions for different tasks, including building, testing, and deploying code, as well as for tasks such as sending notifications, running linters, and analyzing code coverage. GitHub Actions provides a simple and easy-to-use YAML syntax for defining workflows, which can be executed on any platform, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.


Tekton is a DevOps tool that provides a flexible and extensible framework for building, testing, and deploying cloud-native applications. Tekton is an open-source project that runs on Kubernetes, allowing teams to leverage the power and scalability of Kubernetes for their continuous delivery pipelines. Tekton provides a declarative pipeline syntax that allows teams to define their build, test, and deployment workflows as code, enabling versioning, auditing, and repeatability. Tekton supports different types of pipelines, including task pipelines, which consist of a series of sequential tasks, and event-driven pipelines, which respond to specific events such as code commits or pull requests.

HashiCorp Harness

HashiCorp Harness is a DevOps tool that provides a comprehensive platform for continuous delivery, enabling teams to deploy their applications with speed, safety, and reliability. Harness is a cloud-native, AI-powered tool that automates the end-to-end delivery process, from building and testing to deployment and monitoring. Harness supports different cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and integrates well with other DevOps tools such as Jenkins, GitHub, and Jira. Harness provides a declarative pipeline syntax that allows teams to define their delivery workflows as code, enabling versioning, testing, and collaboration. Harness provides a powerful set of features, including continuous verification, which ensures that each deployment meets...


Thanos is a DevOps tool that provides a highly available and scalable observability solution for cloud-native applications running on Kubernetes. Thanos allows teams to store, query, and visualize their metrics, logs, and traces, providing a unified view of their application's performance and health. Thanos is an open-source project that integrates well with other DevOps tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, and Kubernetes. Thanos provides a distributed storage layer that enables teams to store their metrics in a scalable and reliable way, even across multiple clusters and regions. Thanos also provides a powerful query language that allows teams to perform ad-hoc and aggregate queries across their metrics, logs, and traces, enabling deep analysis and troubleshooting.

HashiCorp Sentinel

HashiCorp Sentinel is a DevOps tool that provides policy as code for cloud infrastructure and applications. Sentinel is a policy enforcement engine that enables teams to define and enforce policies across their entire infrastructure and application stack, including cloud providers, service meshes, and Kubernetes. Sentinel is an open-source project that integrates well with other HashiCorp tools such as Terraform, Vault, and Consul. Sentinel provides a flexible policy language that allows teams to define their policies as code, enabling versioning, testing, and collaboration. Sentinel supports different types of policies, including compliance policies, security policies, and operational policies, enabling teams to ensure that their infrastructure...

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