15 most basic Linux commands every system admin and DevOps must know

1. ls

ls command is used to list files and directories in the current path

2. pwd

pwd command will give you a path of the current working directory

3. mkdir

mkdir command is used to create folder/directory

4. touch

touch command is used to create an empty file

5. cd

cd command is used to go to a particular directory you can use cd with relative or absolute paths like below

6. rm

rm command is used to delete folder/directory

7. rmdir

rmdir command is used to delete folder/directory

8. export

export command is used to set variable values in the system

9. echo

echo command is used to print data, be it variable or string or any other data type

10. date

date command is used to print the system’s date in the required format

11. cp

cp command is used to copy files and directories from one loation to another

12. mv

mv command is used to move files and directories from one loation to another

13. cat

cat command is used to read,write and edit file

14. whoami

whoami command is used to check username that you are currently logged in with

15. passwd

Last but not the least, to change your password using the command line, use passwd command

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