This one-liner allows you to swap the values of two variables 'a' and 'b' without needing a temporary variable. It takes advantage of Python's simultaneous assignment feature.
Find the maximum or minimum value in a list
max_value = max(my_list) min_value = min(my_list)
These one-liners use the max() and min() functions to find the maximum and minimum values, respectively, in a given list my_list.
Count occurrences of an item in a list
count = my_list.count(item)
This one-liner uses the count() method to count the occurrences of a specific item in a list my_list.
Flatten a nested list
flattened_list = [item for sublist in nested_list for item in sublist]
This one-liner uses a nested list comprehension to flatten a list of lists (nested_list) into a single flat list (flattened_list).
Remove duplicates from a list while preserving the order
unique_list = list(dict.fromkeys(my_list))
This one-liner uses a dictionary (dict.fromkeys()) to remove duplicates from a list my_list. It converts the keys of the dictionary back to a list to preserve the order of the unique elements.
These programs cover basic concepts like input/output, arithmetic operations, conditional statements, loops, and using libraries. They provide a good starting point for beginners to practice and understand Python programming.