7 HTML Tags you did not know existed!


This tag allows you to create a modal or pop-up dialog box within your HTML page. It is particularly useful for displaying interactive messages, notifications, or even forms that require user input.


This tag is used to highlight or mark specific text within a paragraph or a block of content. It is often used to draw attention to important or relevant information.


The BDI (Bidirectional Isolate) tag is used to isolate and properly format text that may have different directionality from its surrounding text. It is commonly used when dealing with multilingual content that requires different text directions, such as Arabic or Hebrew mixed with English.


The WBR (Word Break Opportunity) tag is used to specify a potential line break within a long word or a string of characters. It is helpful in situations where long URLs or email addresses need to be displayed without breaking the layout of the page.

<figure> and <figcaption>

These tags are used in combination to create a container for displaying images, diagrams, or illustrations along with a corresponding caption. The <figure> element represents the media, while the <figcaption> element provides a description or explanation for the media.


This tag allows you to create a progress bar or a visual representation of the completion status of a task. It is commonly used to indicate the progress of file uploads, form submissions, or any other process that involves a measurable progress.


The template tag is used to declare reusable content that can be cloned and inserted into the document as needed. It is particularly useful for creating dynamic web applications where you can define HTML structures that can be duplicated and modified based on user interactions or data changes.

By utilizing these lesser-known HTML tags, you can enhance the functionality and visual appeal of your web pages while maintaining standards compliance.

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