9 ways to reduce cost of your AWS bill

Nowadays, deploying your application on the cloud and utilizing cloud resources is so handy, easy, and cost-friendly that you sometimes forget that cost-friendly is not simple as it seems.

9 ways to reduce cost of your AWS bill

Review Unused resources

Once every week, you need to take time to overview your AWS Account, where you will delete all unused resources to save the cost

Delete not required EBS volumes

– Once every month, you need to review the volumes of your AWS Account.

Check Resource consumption

In services like EC2, RDS, etc. where you define CPU, RAM, etc. at the time of launching instances, which are not auto-scaled....

Purchase Reserve instances

If your resource consumptions are constant and you are sure that you will be having some type of need for at least a year or 3 years ....

Review newly launched types

AWS launches new instance types and new services every once in a while.

Use spot instances

– AWS Spot instances can be used for non-production, CI/CD workloads, cluster workloads, etc.

Stop instances when not in use

– Some development instances can be stopped overnight when not in use.

Review different s3 tiers

– S3 offers different tiers for different usage. for example, for objects that are not used frequently, there is an infrequent access tier, which is low costed

Setup Billing limit alarms

– Last but not the least, set up AWS Billing alarms, so if anything goes beyond your expected cost, you can be notified and you can take recovering measures as soon as possible.

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