Best free generative AI AWS courses for developers

Here are some of the best free generative AI AWS courses for developers:

This course provides a comprehensive overview of generative AI, including its history, different types, and applications. It also covers how to use AWS services to build and deploy generative AI models.

Generative AI Foundations on AWS

This course focuses on using large language models for generative AI tasks, such as text generation, translation, and summarization. It also covers how to use AWS services to train and deploy large language models.

Generative AI with Large Language Models

This course covers the basics of Amazon CodeWhisperer, a new AWS service that can help developers write code more efficiently. CodeWhisperer uses generative AI to suggest code completions, linting suggestions, and other helpful information as you type.

Amazon CodeWhisperer – Getting Started

This course is a hands-on workshop that teaches you how to use Amazon CodeWhisperer to build a simple application. You will learn how to use CodeWhisperer to generate code, lint your code, and debug your code.

AWS Jam Journey – Build Using Amazon CodeWhisperer

This course is a video series that features interviews with AWS experts and customers who are using generative AI on AWS. You will learn about the different ways that generative AI is being used in a variety of industries, such as healthcare, finance, and retail.  

PartnerCast – Building Generative AI on AWS

These are just a few of the many great free generative AI AWS courses that are available. I hope this helps you find a course that is right for you!

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