Disadvantages of cloud computing

Requires good speed internet with good bandwidth

To access your cloud services, you need to have a good internet connection always with good bandwidth to upload or download files to/from the cloud.


Since the cloud requires high internet speed and good bandwidth, there is always a possibility of service outage, which can result in business downtime. Today, no business can afford revenue or business loss due to downtime or slow down from an interruption in critical business processes.

Limited control of infrastructure

Since you are not the owner of the infrastructure of the cloud, hence, you don’t have any control or have limited access to the cloud infra.

Restricted or limited flexibility

The cloud provides a huge list of services, but consuming them comes with a lot of restrictions and limited flexibility for your applications or developments. Also, platform dependency or ‘vendor lock-in’ can sometimes make it difficult for you to migrate from one provider to another.

Ongoing costs

Although you save your cost of spending on the whole infrastructure and its management, on the cloud, you need to keep paying for services as long as you use them. But in traditional methods, you only need to invest once.


Security of data is a big concern for everyone. Since the public cloud utilizes the internet, your data may become vulnerable.

Vendor lock-in

Although the cloud service providers assure you that they will allow you to switch or migrate to any other service provider whenever you want, it is a very difficult process.

Technical issues

Even if you are a tech whiz, technical issues can occur, and everything can’t be resolved in-house. To avoid interruptions, you will need to contact your service provider for support. However, not every vendor provides 24/7 support to their clients.

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