Easy Python Projects with Source Code for Beginners

Dice Rolling Simulator

This project is a simple dice rolling simulator. It uses the random module to generate random numbers and the print() function to display the results.

Number Guessing Game

This project is a simple number guessing game. It uses the random module to generate a random number and the input() function to get the player's guess.

To-Do List Application

This project is a simple to-do list application. It uses a list to store the to-do items and the input() and print() functions to interact with the user.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

To play the game, simply run the code and enter your choice of "rock", "paper", or "scissors" when prompted. The computer will then generate its choice and the winner will be determined.

These are just a few examples of easy Python projects for beginners. There are many other possibilities, so be creative and experiment. The best way to learn Python is by doing.

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