Google's Experimental Feature Makes Webpages Faster

Google has announced an experimental feature that could make webpages load faster. The feature, called "scheduler.yield," allows web browsers to pause JavaScript execution when the main thread is blocked, such as when waiting for a response from the server.

This can help to improve the responsiveness of webpages, especially for those with complex JavaScript code.

The scheduler.yield feature is currently in an origin trial, which means that it is only available to a limited number of websites. However, Google plans to make it more widely available in the future.

1. Open Chrome and go to chrome://flags/#scheduler-yield. 2. Click the "Enable" checkbox. 3. Click the "Relaunch" button.

To enable the scheduler.yield feature in Chrome, you can follow these steps:

Once the feature is enabled, you can test it by visiting a website with complex JavaScript code. You should notice that the webpage loads faster and is more responsive.

The scheduler.yield feature is a promising new way to improve the performance of webpages. However, it is still in its early stages of development, and it is not yet clear how widely it will be adopted by web developers.

– It can make webpages load faster. – It can improve the responsiveness of webpages. – It can be used to improve the performance of webpages with complex JavaScript code.

Here are some of the benefits of Google's experimental feature:

Overall, Google's experimental feature is a promising new way to improve the performance of webpages. However, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks before deciding whether to use it.

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