
Meta’s AI Music Tool Could Threaten Musicians’ Income

Meta Unveils AudioCraft -

Meta’s new AI music tool AudioCraft could make it easier for people to create and distribute music without having to hire a musician. This could pose a threat to musicians’ income, as it could lower the value of music and make it more difficult for musicians to make a living.

Google Working on AI Writing tool for ChromeOS

Google Working on AI Writing tool for ChromeOS -

Google Working on AI Writing tool for ChromeOS – Google is reportedly working on an AI writing tool for ChromeOS. Learn more about Orca, the Chrome extension that could help you improve your writing skills, save time, and produce more polished content.

Best free generative AI AWS courses for developers

Best free generative AI AWS courses for developers -

Best free generative AI AWS courses for developers – Learn generative AI on AWS with these free courses. These courses cover the basics of generative AI, as well as how to use AWS services to build and deploy generative AI models.