
Best Docker Containers COmmands You need to know -

Best Docker Containers COmmands You need to know

Best Docker Containers COmmands You need to know

Docker is a powerful tool that can be used to create, deploy, and manage containers. Containers are isolated environments that contain everything a piece of software needs to run, including the code, libraries, and runtime environment. This makes them ideal for developing and deploying applications quickly and easily.

If you’re new to Docker, there are a few essential commands you need to know. These commands will help you create, start, stop, and manage your containers.

Here are the top 10 Docker container commands you need to know:

docker run

The Command to Launch Containers

The docker run command is your go-to for creating and starting containers from Docker images. Here’s the basic syntax:

  • OPTION: You can pass various options to customize the container’s behavior, such as setting environment variables, exposing ports, and more.
  • IMAGE: The Docker image you want to use to create the container.
  • COMMAND: The command to run inside the container (optional).
  • ARG…: Arguments for the command (optional).

For example, to run an Ubuntu container and execute the “ls” command:

docker run -it ubuntu ls

docker pull

Download Images from Registries

The docker pull command is used to download Docker images from a registry (like Docker Hub). You can specify the image name and tag to pull.

docker pull IMAGE_NAME[:TAG]

For instance, to download the latest version of the Ubuntu image:

docker pull ubuntu:latest

docker build

Create Custom Images

The docker build command allows you to create custom Docker images based on a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile contains instructions for building the image.

docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -
  • OPTIONS: Additional options for building the image.
  • PATH | URL | -: Path to the build context (where the Dockerfile is located), a URL, or ‘-‘ to read the build context from the standard input.

Here’s a basic example:

docker build -t my-custom-image .

docker ps

List Running Containers

The docker ps command lists the running containers on your system.

docker ps [OPTIONS]

You can use various options to control the output and filter the list of containers. For example, to display all containers, including those that are not running:

docker ps -a

docker images

List Available Images

The docker images command displays a list of available Docker images on your system.

docker images [OPTIONS] [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]
  • OPTIONS: Additional options for controlling the output.
  • REPOSITORY[:TAG]: Filter images by repository and tag.

To list all images:

docker images

docker stop and docker start

Manage Container State

The docker stop and docker start commands allow you to manage the state of containers.


For example, to stop a running container:

docker stop my-container

docker exec

Run Commands in a Running Container

The docker exec command lets you run commands inside a running container.


Here’s an example:

docker exec -it my-container bash

This command runs an interactive shell (bash) inside the container.

docker logs

Fetch Container Logs

The docker logs command allows you to fetch the logs of a container.


For example, to view the logs of a container named my-container:

docker logs my-container

docker cp

Copy Files Between Container and Local Filesystem

The docker cp command is used to copy files or folders between a container and the local filesystem.


For example, to copy a file named file.txt from the container my-container to the local filesystem:

docker cp my-container:/path/to/file.txt .

docker network

Manage Docker Networks

The docker network command allows you to manage Docker networks.

docker network [COMMAND]

This command is useful when you’re working with multiple containers and need to connect them.


Define and Run Multi-Container Applications

The docker-compose command is essential for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

docker-compose [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

You use a docker-compose.yml file to define the services, networks, and other configurations for your application.

These are just a few of the most useful Docker container commands. There are many other commands available, so you can learn more about them by reading the Docker documentation:

These essential Docker container commands provide a solid foundation for working with containers. By mastering these commands, you’ll be able to create, manage, and deploy Docker containers effectively, streamlining your development and deployment processes. Whether you’re a developer or a system administrator, understanding these commands is a valuable skill that can boost your efficiency and productivity when working with containers.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

I hope this helps!

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