
5 Basic Python programs for beginners

5 Basic Python programs for beginners

Python is a powerful programming language that is easy to learn and use. It is a great language for beginners because it has a simple syntax and a wide range of libraries and modules.

In this blog post, we will look at 5 basic Python programs that beginners can use to learn the basics of the language. These programs are:

Hello, world!: This program prints the message “Hello, world!” to the console.

A simple calculator: This program allows users to perform simple mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

A guessing game: This program randomly generates a number between 1 and 100, and the user tries to guess the number.

A simple list: This program creates a list of numbers and then prints the list to the console.

A simple function: This program defines a function that adds two numbers and then calls the function.

Hello, world!

The following code is a simple Python program that prints the message “Hello, world!” to the console:

print("Hello, world!")

This program is very simple, but it is a great way to start learning Python. It shows you how to print text to the console, which is a fundamental skill in Python programming.

A simple calculator

The following code is a simple Python program that allows users to perform simple mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division:

def calculator():
first_number = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
second_number = int(input("Enter the second number: "))

print("Addition: ", first_number + second_number)
print("Subtraction: ", first_number - second_number)
print("Multiplication: ", first_number * second_number)
print("Division: ", first_number / second_number)

if name == "main":

This program defines a function called calculator() that takes two numbers as input and then performs the following mathematical operations:

Addition: Adds the two numbers and prints the result to the console.

Subtraction: Subtracts the two numbers and prints the result to the console.

Multiplication: Multiplies the two numbers and prints the result to the console.

Division: Divides the two numbers and prints the result to the console.

The calculator() function is then called in the if name == “main“: block. This block is executed when the program is run as a script, rather than being imported into another program.

A guessing game

The following code is a simple Python program that randomly generates a number between 1 and 100, and the user tries to guess the number:

import random

def guessing_game():
number = random.randint(1, 100)
guess = int(input("Guess a number between 1 and 100: "))

while guess != number:
if guess < number:
print("Your guess is too low.")
elif guess > number:
print("Your guess is too high.")

guess = int(input("Guess again: "))

print("Congratulations! You guessed the number!")

if name == "main":

This program first imports the random module, which is used to generate random numbers. Then, it defines a function called guessing_game() that takes no input and returns no output. The guessing_game() function first randomly generates a number between 1 and 100. Then, it prompts the user to guess the number. The program continues to prompt the user to guess the number until the user guesses correctly. When the user guesses correctly, the program prints a message congratulating the user.

A simple list

The following code is a simple Python program that creates a list of numbers and then prints the list to the console:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


This program first creates a list called numbers that contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

A simple function

The following code is a simple Python program that defines a function that adds two numbers and then calls the function:

def add_numbers(number1, number2):
return number1 + number2

if name == "main":
print(add_numbers(1, 2))

This program first defines a function called add_numbers() that takes two numbers as input and returns the sum of the two numbers. The add_numbers() function is then called in the if name == “main“: block. This block is executed when the program is run as a script, rather than being imported into another program.

These are just five basic Python programs that beginners can use to learn the basics of the language. There are many other simple Python programs that beginners can learn. By learning these basic programs, beginners can start to build their skills in Python programming and create more complex programs.

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