
What and How: NGINX – Browser caching and gzip compression

Are you facing issues like your site loads slower and want to optimize it?
Do you want to cache some objects at browser end?

If yes, this article is for you.
It focuses on how to compress objects while serving to client(browser) and how to add caching time for browsers meaning for how much time objects will be cached at browser end before it call server again for it again and again.

Lambda function for auto AMI Creation (AWS EC2)

How to create backup of ec2 instances using AWS lambda function

This article focuses on how to create automatic backup strategy for AWS EC2 instances, One of the ways to take backup of the whole server which is easily recoverable in case of emergency is taking AMI of the EC2 instances. For your live server. You may want to create automatic triggers which create AMIs at times for backup purposes. With help of this article you can create Lambda function and trigger it to create AMI, benefits of using Lambda function includes, you only pay when you use to run that function, at idle times, you donโ€™t need to pay and do not require to manage additional servers for this purpose.

AWS S3: Private Bucket vs Public Bucket

This article discusses AWS S3 – private and public bucket.It is important to know when and when not your resources should be public. Sensitive user data/information should only be accessible via some authentication method, and the information that is intended for every user/world, should be marked as public. This article helps you setup both of the environment

How to: Dockerize NGINX-PHP application

Pre-requisite : 1. Docker must be installed. 2. Docker-compose must be installed.  Steps: Pull “nginx” and “php-fpm” docker images docker pull nginx:latestdocker pull php:7.1-fpm (Nginx latest image is recommended and for PHP choose the specific version that your code supports) Firstly, we will launch temporary docker for nginx We are copying nginx configuration files into our system (afterwards … Read more How to: Dockerize NGINX-PHP application

What is: Cloud Computing – Part 2

What is cloud computing?–> You have already came from the first post which specifies what is cloud : Let me clear some more doubts and answer some FAQ with Cloud Computing Top 5 cloud computing service provider companies AWS (Amazon Web Services) Microsoft Azure GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Rackspace IBM All of the above … Read more What is: Cloud Computing – Part 2