Docker Cheat Sheet
Download Latest Docker Engine using only one command (linux)
curl > dockerinstall && chmod 777 dockerinstall && ./dockerinstall
Check Docker Version
docker -v
Search available Docker images on Docker hub
docker search ubuntu
Pull Docker image from online hub
docker pull $imagename
docker pull ubuntu:18.04
Note: In the OFFICIAL column, OK indicates an image built and supported by the company behind the project.
List all images in local docker engine
docker image ls
Run Apache Docker container with web files mounted and port exposed
docker run --name web --restart always -v /my/own/datadir:/var/www/html -p 80:80 -d apache:latest
To list all running containers
docker ps
To list all running as well as stopped containers
docker ps -a
Build Docker image in local environment from Dockerfile which is in current directory
docker build -t $imagename .
docker build -t apache-php .
Tag Docker image with specified version number
docker tag $current_imagename:tag $new_imagename:$new_tag
docker tag apache-php:latest apache-php:1
Push Docker image to registry
docker push $imagename:$tag
docker push apache-php:1
Run commands inside running container
docker exec -it $containername bash
docker exec -it web bash
If you have made changes in container, which you want to store
docker commit -m "What did you do to the image" -a "Author Name" $containerid $repository/$new_image_name
docker commit -m "Changed Apache configuration rules" -a "IdenticalCloud" 03be8c21654c identicalcloud/apache:1
Stop a running container
docker stop $containername
docker stop web
Delete stopped container
docker rm $containername
docker rm web
Delete running container
docker rm -f $containername
docker rm -f web
To remove docker image from local system
docker rmi $imagename
docker rmi apache:latest
To remove unwanted folders from stopped and deleted docker containers
This command will deleted all stopped containers, deleted container’s volume and logs, not used networks
docker system prune -a
Drafted On,
January 6, 2021